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Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Studies Suggest the Speed of Light is Variable

186,000 MPS? Forgettaboutit...... turns out that the contents of the quantum vacuum are what decides the ultimate speed of light---- oh, for you time freaks...  how about this line from the article:
In all, the fluctuations in time are estimated to be somewhere around the realm of 50 attoseconds per square meter (scientists estimate that it takes 320 attoseconds for electrons to transfer between atoms)
Gotta love the global warming `debate' don't you think? I say that because to me, at least an outside chance exists that the `warming' is for the inner solar system of planets if we are to believe the data about Mars and such over the last decades...... Anyway, here's a compelling look at simply the degree of change that the temperatures are exhibiting - over the last 11,000 Years -- get ready for some cool graphs and graphics.
Below is an image from a security cam set up to detect movement in a field to see predators for farm animals - it takes a photo every one second and the person who submitted this MUFON report gave both the screen shots from the second before this shot and after: (might it have caught the proverbial `rod' sky creature?) - in addition to a daytime shot.
The AnomalyMan Listing - Does The Anomalous.
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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Strange Orbs - Cute Kid

How about a gem of the anomalous (perhaps) with only 4 views as of this posting? Certainly would be of a scene that may want to be checked out by Orbs - don't you think? (cute kid dancing)
Unscripted, authentic.......
Remember Einstein's spooky action at a distance? Well, it turns out that 3 Chinese scientists have figured out a base speed for such interactions - and it's lower limit is 10,000 Times Faster Than Light (and could be instant). Great read. One quote below:
At the very least, this is one of the first observations of the subluminal (superluminal? transluminal?!) universe — a significant event for all scientists everywhere.
Speaking of fast ......... the outer edge of this super massive blackhole is spinning at 84% The Speed Of Light - with a quote:
There — not unlike the center of our own Milky Way — a spherical region of spacetime more than 2 million miles in diameter whirls violently, its gravity so strong it actually schleps surrounding space along with it. 
You say you come to TAL for the intellectual Archaeology articles? ... Well, then you are in luck Taking-Peddlers-Of-Paleo-Porn-To-Task.... Peddlers of porn?
Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scientists: Mealworms Could Replace Beef And Chicken As Earth’s Source Of Protein

Oh those relentless scientists - always thinking of ways to satisfy us ---- read the details of the next Yummy Blend to make you forget all about `meat guilt'.
The AnomalyMan Listing is known for Creepy - and this list - now in the sidebar too - is the ultimate list of articles about strange and creepy things. Be ready to get Creepy Chills.
TAL keeps you connected at the `science' edge - so - how about a technique that lets paralyzed folks Walk Some Steps? It's a bionic suit.... read more.
Oh, this was one intelligent bloggers response to the whole 2012 thing at the very end of 2012 -- like pointing out how many leap years would have happened already since the prediction for 12-21-12 - Dreams And Phase Transistions.
Lots of folks are into `Reddit' - I for one. That said, the `ratings' system perhaps has been figured out -- seems that UPVOTES are much like TIME Travel - fun read.