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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Three ORB Structures Invade American Skies (4 Videos)

These are almost becoming frighteningly frequent in America - none of these sightings, I believed, even generated a TV report. All this amid some reports of a HUGE increase in UFO sightings this month worldwide. IMO, all of these videos are noteworthy and don't seem part of a hoax.
The first video up is from Lowell, Massachusetts and happened in the skies there on 3-11-11: (6,200 views) This one ultimately has more than three Orbs at times, turns into a square even,  and is the least `structured' IMO of the videos below:

Video Two - Southern California (language warning) - 3-15 uploaded - 12,400 views - `A Triangle that moves and changes shape. You get to see one Orb light up as it goes from two orbs to a three point object. (Original source)

Video Three - Las Vegas - 21,000 views - similar to the Phoenix Lights of 1997 - 3-16-11 ---- 11:48PM (Original Source)

Or this 3-19 `Triangle, 4 at times, over Florida' -

Video Four - Denver Colorado area - 3-20-11 -- 39,000 views --- BEST VIDEO in terms of being like the Phoenix Lights of 1997 -- Indeed read the description below the video:

Description with video:
Closer view of the UFOs above Denver, Colorado. They moved very slowly in a triangular formation across the sky then disappeared one at a time. We were in Lafayette, CO in my cousin's backyard facing west. The lights appeared to be approximately 3000-6000 feet high, coming from the West-Southwest and moving to the southeast. When they disappeared, they seemed to be directly over Denver. I was only visiting on my vacation, so I am not positive about the exact location or direction we were facing, but I am sure we were looking towards the west. We viewed the lights for approximately 15-20 minutes before they disappeared.
Seems hard to believe that this last video didnt' make the news, don't you think?
Someone bought the below book yesterday from one of my blogs - thanks:
Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind
Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind - under 11.00
Need more entertainment today? I have this great site on Squidoo too -

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Every Mission To Mars In One Graphic

TAL readers want to be mentally stimulated - and this visual does it -
Mission To Mars: Original Score

Is This PSI? Or, is there a reason this video has the embedding disabled? -
PSI-OPS Mindgate Conspiracy
Here's a dramatic presentation of that `apartment ufo' video from 1997 in Mexico that has floated around ever since - set to alternative rock -
The Rhine Institute now has an online magazine - - here's a direct link to one story about Edgar Mitchell's visions -
Fortean Alert -- Heavens above, they're desert flying fish - - find out the details of the latest fish falling from the sky story.
Chicken Little
Barf Stew today features the BEST Japan Earthquake rescue story you are likely to ever encounter -
SUPPORT JAPAN Earthquake Tsunami Survivors 6-Pack 1 inch Mini Pinback Button Badges
Finally, a GREAT read over at TCI (The C Influence Blog) - 
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