Why not an idea of multiple creations, occurring over periods of unspecified time and in unspecified ways and numbers? Then we could have some very interesting philosophical issues of creation magnitudes, durations, locations, and of course size. Perhaps there were micro/mini .025 second creations occurring spontaneously over the course of time. Perhaps an “essential creation” which gave birth to regional and minor creations.
Sarcastic Intellectualism -- The AnomalyMan Listing.
Creationists: Selected Essays, 1993-2006
The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, Expanded Edition
My other blog looks at a NASA find today - http://barfstew.blogspot.com/2010/12/nasa-discovers-amino-acids-on.html along with several humor pieces and more.
One of the more mindblowing things of paranormal is Spoon Bending - Bending spoons by example - http://www.mind-energy.net/archives/339-Bending-spoons-by-example.html cool blog too. Pictures at link.
Tell me this isn't a cool product:
Air-O-Swiss AOS-7144
NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy - http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/news/new-structure.html - with short video too.
Yesterday TAL had it's first five visitors -- thanks. Onward and upward in 2011 in the revival of TAL. Please tell a friend.