Finger Chopper - See Thru Guillotine - A Clever Trick Very Popular As the Spectators Always Expect the Magic to Go Wrong.
Good science read - NASA's Hubble Finds Most Distant Galaxy Candidate Ever Seen in Universe - with Pic.
Here's a lady lucky to have her head -

link has video report too -
As you know, when Bruce Duensing winds up and throws the words together - away goes your brain - ready? - - here, once again, he teeters at the brink of actualization for all to enjoy. Numerous comments too.
Once again, the talking heads are doing their part to talk up the economy - such as right here - Say Goodbye To The 'New Normal' - -- as obviously, a questionmark would be appropriate at the very least with this articles positioning. TAL Does Economics Too.
Ready for some real Time Travel? Today's Shorpy - featuring the `StreetCleaning' Hour from 1908 (so that is how the horses--t got off the street).
(click to enlarge)
-----------------------------------------One minute read - Utah Army base locked to solve 'serious concern' -
Two minute read - Marijuana Compound Induces Cell Death In Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer -
Watch this vanish - Sen. Rand Paul unveils $500 billion in federal budget cuts -,0,5678579.story or, has it already.
Finally, I've sold more Lujan Matus books than any other author - check this out:
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