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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Robot Revolution To See 400% Increase In Next 7 Years

The very scary edge of the new science that is upon us - and not spoken of by the powers that be in any negative manner - is the coming ability of robots to do human `jobs' and to be `cheaper' than humans. (To own to run your machines, clean your house, cut your lawn, serve your customers ..... get the picture?)
Some highlights of the CNBC article 3D Printers And House Cleaning Robots

There's a number of different stock plays out there according to Ross. The growth of 3-D printing - creating three-dimensional solid objects from digital models - means companies like Proto Labs and Stratasys are attracting interest, he said. 
"This is a huge technology, it's definitely going to be very big indeed. It will disrupt traditional manufacturing big time," he told CNBC Monday. "You don't need nearly as many factories in China, or Africa if that's next."
But it's not only 3-D printing that is turning heads, according to Ross. Self-driving cars and home-cleaning robots are already emerging as well.
"I know this stuff sounds like science fiction, but it is actually becoming science fact," he said.
FANUC, the world's largest maker of industrial robots, produces factory robots used in China's giant manufacturing sector and is a good investment option, according to Ross. Intuitive Surgical, which is making hospitals more efficient by performing surgical operations, is another attractive option, he said. 
Beyond The Great Beyond My Book That Won Me An Author Award On FreeBooksy.Com
The AnomalyMan Listing readers love the science angle on things - such as this Wiki article about Glacier Growing - folklore or real?
Ready for some real alien entertainment? Some great camera views from within sewers and such too.

I'll bet you once had the special Bigfoot link - the one that was the stabilized version of the original film - but have lost it, right? Well, you have been blessed Once Again.
The AnomalyMan Listing promises an elevated read .... something really of interest - such as .... 

Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients - Insane Asylum Patients --- couple teaser pics:

Freda's suitcase.
And, finally for today -- how about Orb forms showing up in pictures taken around an Insane Asylum? Orb, Insane Connection.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Did BEAM From UFO Knock This Tractor Trailer Over?

I think that readers of The AnomalyMan Listing will enjoy this one; a TV report (In German) which, with security cameras along the highway, certainly suggests the UFO scenario is possible - IF NOT LIKELY.

I'd certainly have an interest in knowing what was being transported in that truck...... 
Once in awhile we feature blogs that TAL is pretty sure will grab your interest - blogfinds - and this one is a good mix of Science And ParaNormal.
Title this one `Man Builds UFO House':
This flying saucer shaped UFO is the home of retired industrial arts teacher Roberto Sanchez Rivera, 58, who built the house to prove to an ex-girlfriend that he could do whatever he put his mind to
The Full Story - And The Link To Love

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ancient Man's Teeth Were Healthier Than Modern Humans

It's a real fun NPR story that traces the changes in mankind's diet over the era's - such as the change 10K years ago to farming and the more recent change to processed sugar and such for the last 160 years or so. Here's the original and harder to decipher link with graphs at Nature.Com.
Great Science Reads - The AnomalyMan Listing
Hey, did you read about the `nearby' star (190 light years) is about the SAME AGE as the UNIVERSE? Some trippy stuff is in this article about the whole process of estimating the age of the universe too. Indeed, while within the + or - range, the star `reads' as being Older Than The Universe. It took Hubble images to work out these new numbers BTW.
And, today's intellectual `paranormal' read is brought to you by one of my favorite thinkers - D. B. Donlan - careful, you could easily spend an hour at his blog.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Trippy Art Fantasies

The website is called (Tom Ardans - My Vain Doodles - and has pictures like those seen below:
There's TONS more at the guys webpage.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cavemen, quadrupeds and science, oh my!

I'm taking this headline directly from  one of the coolest websites -- about `cavemen'. I've featured the work of this Anthropologist before and this is another example of his good work. He takes a supposed `study' of `caveman' `art' of `animals' and proceeds to rip it .... well, a new one. 

The study purports that `cavemen' were more accurate artists of animals - than `modern man' artists samples of draw animals. He first slams the idea of `cavemen' and the sample size of the study and we are off to the races. Anyway, indulge your inner fantasy to feel kinship with the Caveman. The name of the blog is `A Very Remote Period Indeed'.
========================================== - TAL, bits of humor too in the archive.
Finally for today - from Cavemen, men that look like cavemen, we go to the other extreme - a `scholarly' yet, tongue in cheek look at the coming Robopocalypse and how to survive it.
Now, go dig into the content of the archive of The AnomalyMan Listing. Thanks for your support by visiting the affiliates of TAL.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are Spider Rains Normal?

Just part of the unusual world we live in, evidently - as shown by this photo and story:
link -

Story link - did you know that Loren Coleman has this new forum for unusual? Spider Rain, at least one other picture at the link too.
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Use this link to learn how to BORROW books - EBOOKs - Kindle E-Books - From Your Library.
Finally for today - can the sound of Tigers - TRAVEL THROUGH MOUNTAINS? -- Science Strives To Figure It Out (we are talking about the sub-sounds below the human threshold).
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nearest Earth-Like Planet 13 Light Years Away - Perhaps

Wow. Fans of The AnomalyMan Listing will certainly enjoy the logic used in this analysis to project the truth of the above headline. Using statements and assumptions such as `6% of red dwarfs have rocky planets in the habitable zone' - along with other assumptions you will want to read today. 

BUT, find out why the first one that we find - that is an Earth-like rocky planet around a red dwarf in the habitable zone is likely to be 100 Light Years Away - gotta love stats.
The title of this link explains it all - The False Memories of Fabricated Political Events ----- see what over 5,000 people remembered happening. Slightly sickening.
Thanks for your visit today - dig into the archive for much more of interest.
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Quantum Gas Goes Below Absolute Zero

Wow - this article reads like science fiction come true. Truly brilliant deduction to achieve this outcome - read how Potassium Gas atoms made a trip where no atoms have gone before in this region of the universe.
This one has a cute title Houston, We Have Another Problem - turns out, space travel may increase brain disease. Interesting read.
Ready to twist your brain beyond any recognition? Dig into this intense article that explains WHY Mirrors Reverse Right And Left But Not Up And Down - trippy.
And, the oldest wooden structure has been unearthed in Germany - a wall well that has wood walls and is 7,000 Years Old  with cool pictures. Detailed analysis.
I updated my `news' blog recently - check it out Here - it uses my settings on Reddit - real interesting news your hometown paper somehow missed.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Life Forms Survive Space Exposure

The results of an interesting experiment done on the space station in 2008 - Find Out More
Ready to be amazed?

have you taken care of valentines day yet?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

That 2029-2036 Doomsday Asteroid Is MUCH Bigger Than First Thought

Of course we are talking about Apophis - the asteroid that the mainstream media made the mistake of saying might hit Earth in 2029 a number of years ago. IF you remember, even while the data they presented was VERY researched when they made the announcement of the slight but possible impact in 2029 - somehow, within DAYS it was rebutted so that humans would not have to worry their little minds about such fanfare. 

Here's the link to the new estimate in size - oh, and it still does have an acknowledged chance of impact in 2036.
So, it turns out that a scientist at Harvard has now collected enough Neanderthal DNA to impregnate an `adventurous human female' with the first Neanderthal `baby' -- says it could be the key to humans Living To 120 Years Old - real interesting read/video.
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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Plane Crash Caught On Car Dashcam

Pretty amazing to see just how fast your life can be changed by the unexpected.
I'd hardly say that proof was needed - but - somehow they did an interesting study of the data that proves that heat related deaths have been reduced by 80% Per Capita since the proliferation of air conditioning in the home. Duh.
Speaking of science - would you believe that Pot smokers performed better than NON smokers and tobacco smokers on LUNG Tests? The Reason Is A Bit Amusing.
And, it's been a big week science wise - it seems that they have the first observational proof that the `speed of gravity' is the same as the Speed Of Light - so, twist your mind around that while they pin down the specifics.
As most of you know - TAL is but one of the blogs that I provide - and, if you like this one - you're bound to like these too:
My News Blog
My Male Oriented Politically Incorrect Blog
My Main UFO Blog

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Verdict Is In - `House Cats Kill'

This is the result of an interesting study from the University of Georgia that found up to 30% of housecats were killers and averaged TWO kills per week. With 74 million cat pets in the USA alone, it's no surprise that one in third bird species in America is In Decline with a predator like this around. Oh, birds were only 12% of the haul and reptiles represented the most vulnerable. Find out how the research determined this data. Great read.
Speaking of great reads - did you know that plants grow FINE without Gravity? Seems other attributes drive the spread of the Root System Of Plants - it suggests that space or other planets could have a role in food production.
As the world's supply of Helium continues to vanish - a Party Pooper Academic Suggests A Balloon Ban before it is too late.
Readers of The AnomalyMan Listing know that the intelligence of animals is greatly respected around here. So, it's probably of no surprise to find out the intentional use of Smoked Cigarette Butts In Nest Construction - BUT, it's the `reason' that is the mindblower. Hey, it's not like they can go to Ace Hardware to pick up something similar.
From the OMG category - it seems that by genetic testing that it has been determined where the Europe Roma folks (Gypsies) emerged from - The lowest caste of Indian `untouchables'. Figures I guess.
Some of my Kindle Books are below - please check them out and read a sample.
The MythRepresentation Of UFOlogy 
Busting the myths about UFO's
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers 
The Shaman of the 2000's
The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization 
Original Phenomenology is still being written
The Ultimate 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
Why did the random number generators at Princeton University act `non random' on 9/11?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fooling A Baboon

The situation - you are in the middle of the desert - hunting - alone - and need to find water. Your secret - how well you know how baboons react. The outcome - you `fool' the baboon, over the course of a half day - to `show' you where the `secret water' is that the baboons know about but that humans don't. 

A classic - would you even have a 1/10th this guys survival sense? Up votes on this one over the down votes are over 80-1 - it's that good.
link -
Is a new type of matter being found in the Large-Hadron-Collider? - Brief physics edge read.
More research? Sure - how about how Grasshoppers change their mating calls if they live in Loader Urban Areas? Fun read about a couple hundred captured Grasshoppers enticed into producing songs for the scientists.
Ever wonder what a simple flame is like in outer space? Find Out Here - HINT: has to do with a flames SHAPE in the weightless environment.
How about an intellectual article on why we should ban Killer Robots NOW, seriously. Be thinking self operating drones.
And finally a look at the very edge of reality - literally - the connection, if any, of Poltergeists And UFO's - great read, great website.
Click To Read A Sample

Monday, November 19, 2012

Simple Creature - Skips Sex, Eats DNA

Welcome to The AnomalyMan Listing - the `science' blog of Rick Phillips and a continuation of his presence as the AnomalyMan (from Squidoo). Nowadays this blog updates a couple of times a month with interesting science reads and a bit of the anomalous too.
Today's headline concerns this Strange Little Creature who uses the DNA of alien species to survive being dried out (dehydrated). Good read.
Speaking of the anomalous and science - here's a link to a study of Mediums and that traced the activity in their brains while they did Spirit Writing : Is science figuring out how `spirits' come thru?
I love urban stories like this - Cat Finds 2000 Year Old Roman Catacomb - cool details of what was found too.
The AnomalyMan Listing is known for Spooky Houses and for Strange Pictures - consider this the later:
Here's some dubious research IMO - that claims that a gene can predict the Time Of Day You Will Die - are you more of an 11AM or a 6 PM type of die person?
This guy says he can prove the Bigfoot's use a language: Video has a 30-1 positive ratio of positive to negative opinion.
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Please check out my Kindle Books:
The MythRepresentation Of UFOlogy (Busting the 14% have seen a UFO Idea)

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Wait until you see the changes to the data reported back to Earth, and how the data changed almost literally in a day - does mankind now have an official representative in the overall universe? - Weirdness At Solar System Edge - a quick read for a lot of info.
You will be very impressed with the logic employed in this scientific examination that proposes it has found and can  Identify the Origins of Breathing  - think Lamprey fish.
Cutting edge science in this link - identifies how best to Eat-a-Triceratops - all by looking at bone markings. Great read.
Dig the new `Robot' on the block:

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Primates Vanishing Under Relentless Human Pressure

If this new study of professionals is correct - up to half of the World's Primates Are Threatened - an unpleasant but needed short read.
Speaking of threatened primates - here's a novel approach to finding and studying a `Bigfoot' - a Remote controlled helium balloon with all kinds of scientific instruments. Great read and about time.
What if I told you that their might be easily obtained visual evidence for an ancient civilization that mined our current Ocean Floor Eons Ago? And, that at the link are a dozen or so pictures that will blow your mind. Talk about out of place artifacts.
Trippy Art - An AnomalyMan Tradition:
Speaking of Trippy - Here's a pretty good Multiple Orb video perhaps - shot/uploaded within the past month:

link -
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1920's Spooky House

Well, it's getting into the season, isn't it? And, because TAL has featured `Spooky Houses' in the past - why not again.
The blurb with this suggested the house was haunted.
TAL is known for interesting cutting edge science articles - like this one that speculates that DNA Alone Could Produce A Picture Of Your Mug Shot.
Just how many EYES are in the air at any one time? This cutting edge website is the ultimate in Tracking Current Airtraffic.
Please Check Out My Latest E-Book On Kindle
15 Mind Stimulating Tangents

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Birds Hold 'funerals' For Dead

Scrub jays have been researched and have been found to have different traits when encountering different `placed' objects - including dead jays. Real interesting read and theories about what was observed to have happened. Another find science post on TAL - dig into the archive for more. Bird Funerals (a BBC link).
Here's another of the strange Sky Noise Phenomena of 2012 - This video just two weeks old.
Edgy Science - Plate Tectonics on Mars?
My latest Kindle Book is below:

15 Mind Stimulating Essays Previously Found On The Heavy Stuff

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bonobo genius makes stone tools like early humans did

Hello TAL readers - I have more edgy `science' stuff to share with you today. It seems that a captive Bonobo who was taught to make stone tools in the 1990's has used that skill to extract food from a hidden source. A very interesting read with an embedded video at the link. Bonobo Uses Tools He Made.
IF you are new to TAL - dig into the archive for many more stories of interest. Thanks for your visit.
My Kindle Author Page.
I often have FREE Books on my author page.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Geneticists Evolve Fruit Flies With The Ability To COUNT

IMO this article leaves a bit to be desired about what the fruit flies actually did to prove they counted (I think they knew the container they were in was gonna shake) but, the article goes on to mention other species strange species that seem to have math ability - Including Salamanders and Newborn Chicks. Much to read at the link beyond this story too.
In the same manner that this is my `science' blog - this is my latest 2012 UFO Blog.
Bits of science and tons of interesting reading for AnomalyMan fans at this link - 10 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries. Underground genetics to old strange tales.
Check out these Amazon Books Kwaidan: Ghost Stories and Strange Tales of Old Japan (Dover Books on Literature & Drama)

Black Hills Believables: Strange-but-true Tales of the Old West
And, please - if you have to leave and don't want to dig into the AnomalyMan Archive - See MY EIGHT Kindle Books All Priced Under 3.00

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Seven Trillion Degrees

We have a new mankind record for manufactured temperature - 7 Trillion - by Smashing Gold Ions Together word is that another group of scientists have already shattered this record. Quick and interesting read.
And, you have to love this science read with all kinds of political implications - using 1,000 dollars worth of equipment a college has hacked a DHS Drone - Right In Front Of Them. Gotta love it.
Looking for a good read? IF anyone cares anymore about Dan Mitchell's writings he has started this blog - I expect he will be removing all the posts within a short period of time.
BTW, thanks for reading TAL today - here's a bonus for male readers Sexy Picture as you probably know - you can find more beauty at my blog called The BS (Barf Stew) if you dare to check it out.
My newest Kindle Books are below: Please click and read a sample.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

32,000 Year Old Plant Is RE-Born

The plant is the oldest viable multicellular living organism, on our planet. Great picture and science with this link - including where it was found and how deep inside the fossilized burrows of ancient squirrels. Also indicates how the plant was revived.
This website picked up my most recent post on UDCC dedicated to highlighting the on-going Sky Noise Phenomena in 2012 Signs Of The Times.
Speaking of unknown phenomena:

link -
Until June 23rd at 11:59 PM my first book about Phenomenology is FREE on Kindle - you can download it Here - thanks for your support. Please look around this page and support our sponsors too. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Earliest Music Instruments Found

Once again the Flute reigns supreme among the earliest of Rockers - indeed these flutes are from 42,000 Years Ago. Find out what at least one was made of:
Mammoth ivory flute
Own your own - Mammoth BONE (real and a Dog Treat) CLICK THE BONES BELOW FOR MORE INFO AND PRICING.

Meanwhile........ Have you ever heard of Leslie Flint? He was a medium decades ago who was very interested in what the afterlife was like. Many famous people came thru him to tell about the afterlife. You'll love this link - Leslie Flint.
this is a book about Leslie Flint - click for more info

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Heaven Can Help was an easy read. I was fascinated by the content and the author's close attention to detail in his descriptions of some remarkable events. The writing has a distinctly English flavor that I found most enjoyable.
The accounts of physical mediumship were really interesting, notably the author's sittings with Leslie Flint and the Scole Experimental group as well as several other talented mediums. Heaven Can Help is most inspiring and will impress believers and skeptics alike. There is no way the evidence described can simply be dismissed as hallucination. The trials and tribulations the author endured on his journey into mediumship have been expressed with total honesty and in great detail. Reading this extraordinary book has convinced me that there is an afterlife that is limitless. Death is not final and we continue to exist for an eternity in a better place.
Losing a loved one is always difficult, but Heaven Can Help brings comfort to those of us who grieve and offers remarkable evidence of a better life to come.
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Thanks for your visit today - dig into the archive or sidebar for more great content.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Is This A MONOLITH On The Mars Surface?

As TAL readers are sure to know, the government provides real detailed pictures of the Mars surface that any Internet surfer can literally dig into. And, a few people have endless patience to do exactly that - and make `finds'. Now, nearly all the finds have MULTIPLE possible explanations (such as a Dust Devil, evidently) - not just the attention grabbing ones like this video. Nonetheless, take less than TWO minutes to feel a sense of wonder:

link - - Has about 5,000 views in ONE day (posted yesterday) and a 12/1 positive/negative ratio of votes from the public.
Lots of good comments to read at the above link if you so desire.
Meanwhile....... Brain oscillations reveal that our senses do not experience the world continuously - A tease:
Prof Thut said: “Rhythmicity therefore is indeed omnipresent not only in brain activity but also . For perception, this means that despite experiencing the world as a continuum, we do not sample our world continuously but in discrete snapshots determined by the cycles of brain rhythms.” 
So, the WORLD and us turn ON and turn OFF - Brain Oscillations.
TAL is your connection to edgy science stuff.
How about taking a number of folks and putting them in front of a HIGH WIND machine?

There are another dozen or so here - Wind Tunnel Portraits.
Many of you know that TAL is just one of my blogs. One of them is called UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock, which I have listed on some Blog Catalogs and such. Getting folks to write reviews of anything is tough, but, I'd love for you to VOTE for my blog (after checking it out) at this link -
The best of UDCC for 2012 is a page on Squidoo where I have gathered the best videos and pictures of UFOs in 2012 - check it out. 2012 UFO Videos.
Thanks for your visit today. There is a lot to explore in the sidebar, don't miss it. You can also share this post on your Facebook page via the `share buttons' below (click the f).
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