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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Seven Trillion Degrees

We have a new mankind record for manufactured temperature - 7 Trillion - by Smashing Gold Ions Together word is that another group of scientists have already shattered this record. Quick and interesting read.
And, you have to love this science read with all kinds of political implications - using 1,000 dollars worth of equipment a college has hacked a DHS Drone - Right In Front Of Them. Gotta love it.
Looking for a good read? IF anyone cares anymore about Dan Mitchell's writings he has started this blog - I expect he will be removing all the posts within a short period of time.
BTW, thanks for reading TAL today - here's a bonus for male readers Sexy Picture as you probably know - you can find more beauty at my blog called The BS (Barf Stew) if you dare to check it out.
My newest Kindle Books are below: Please click and read a sample.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

32,000 Year Old Plant Is RE-Born

The plant is the oldest viable multicellular living organism, on our planet. Great picture and science with this link - including where it was found and how deep inside the fossilized burrows of ancient squirrels. Also indicates how the plant was revived.
This website picked up my most recent post on UDCC dedicated to highlighting the on-going Sky Noise Phenomena in 2012 Signs Of The Times.
Speaking of unknown phenomena:

link -
Until June 23rd at 11:59 PM my first book about Phenomenology is FREE on Kindle - you can download it Here - thanks for your support. Please look around this page and support our sponsors too. Thanks.