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Saturday, July 9, 2011

The ancient Earth should have frozen to death billions of years ago

This article is a fun read for the logic of it. That said, the very compelling comments make one wonder why the article was written at all - - the crux of it all is that two theories to explain water 3.5 billion years ago have fallen flat.
Ancient Earth Minerals
Ancient Earth MineralsEarth Magic: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Planet
Can an Eagle carry off a child? Here's a wonderfully detailed story that happened in 1932. High Strangeness.
High Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien AbductionFiles from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into High Strangeness
2011 has been the year for `Finding Dead Aliens' - such as this video supposedly from Italy in April.

Other unbelievable stuff can be found at my blog - - check it out.
Unbelievable: Investigations into Ghosts, Poltergeists, Telepathy, and Other Unseen Phenomena, from the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory
Going Solar?
Intramatic Solar Powered Mosquito Blocker with Rechargeable BatteriesSolar Wind Turbine - Wood

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Moving Mirrors Make Light From `NOTHING'

I love this article. Seems that by moving a `mirror' (not really but an effect that produces a reflective surface) at about 5% the speed of light - that a group of scientists were able to: (tease)
The result was a shower of microwave photons shaken loose from the vacuum, the team claims. The group's analysis shows that the frequency of the photons was roughly half the frequency at which they wiggled the mirror — as was predicted by quantum theory.
Light from nothing - proven. Heavy.
The Lake Erie `Lights' - good recounting - - with video too.
Have you ever wondered about the History of the Ouija board? - don't be afraid to click.
Ouija Board Glow-in-the-DarkOuija Board [Game]
Power from the Magnetic Field of Light? --- Absolutely could be a breakthru - 'We've all been taught that this doesn't happen' - - see what happens when man produces 100 million times the magnetic effect from light.
Thanks for being a TAL (The AnomalyMan Listing) reader.
Telescopes Bring It All Into Focus - A TAL Product

Celestron 21061 AstroMaster 70 AZ Refractor TelescopeBARSKA 40070 Starwatcher Compact Refractor Telescope with Table Top Tripod And Carrying Case (both of these are under 100.00)

Celestron NexStar 130 SLT Computerized Telescope (Over 100 Bucks, lol)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Scientists Create First Memory Expansion for Brain

It has started with the Rat and the Monkey is already in the planning stage - the implants are coming - the implants are coming - - INSTANT KNOWING. Can humans be far off?
The Instant of Knowing: Lectures, Criticism, and Occasional Prose (Poets on Poetry)
Some real interesting UFO videos today at UDCC - - including a street scene in London yesterday that shows UFOs in the sky.
The `miracles' of DNA continue to astound - DNA Can Discern Between Two Quantum States, Research Shows - TAL strives to bring you hot science links like this.
Meanwhile.... Who Knew? Cute Spiders Exist - -- with pictures.
Cute Little Crystal Crawling Spider Charm Dangle Earrings
Cute Little Crystal Crawling Spider Charm Dangle Earrings

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tunnel Found Under Temple in Mexico

Using radar, a tunnel that has been sealed off for 1,800 years has been found -
Le grand temple de Mexico: Du mythe a la realite--l'histoire des Azteques entre 1325 et 1521 (Collection Archeologie americaine) (French Edition)
And, a couple of `quantum' links and leaps - Single atom stores quantum information - and humans see entanglement for the first time - great description of this experiment -
The Quantum World: Quantum Physics for Everyone
The Quantum World: Quantum Physics for Everyone
As some of you know, I am the AnomalyMan on Squidoo - sometimes in the forum at Squidoo comes along a real good link to `internet news' - such as the new Internet Bubble -
=================================== and this link is to an Archive of material from 2006 onward about UFO's and Aliens.
Meanwhile...... In something that should be front page news (one would hope) Singapore Discovers How To Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Methanol! -
Here's an interesting story about Tornado data over the last 60 years here in America. -
Pet Tornado
Pet Tornado Under 6 Bucks.
And Hell Followed With It: Life and Death in a Kansas Tornado
Thanks For Your Visit Today.
Cliff Keen F5 Black/Black/Black Tornado 4-Strap Stock Head Gear
Granger Plastics In-ground Tornado Shelter
Granger Plastics In-ground Tornado Shelter

Monday, June 13, 2011

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

You know those reports about strange sky phenomena before and during major earthquakes? Here's some science behind the effects using the recent 9 magnitude quake in Japan -
2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake
2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake
Trippy Screensaver - -- I use this one currently BTW.
A 25 buck high-end PC? - Believe it.
Here at TAL we cover serious stuff - be it science or politics - Higher Education: The Next Asset Bubble? -- hard nose analysis.
Trippy 3D Street Art:

Thanks for your visit to TAL today.
TAL, on the science edge!
Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector
Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector

Customer Review:
The documentation I got with my house showed a radon reading above 50.0 before a mitigation system was installed and < 4.0 after it was installed.
The radon mitigation fan broke and I falsely thought painting / sealing the basement floor (years ago) would stop the radon.
After plugging in this unit I got a reading (after a few days) around 10.0 and it went up day by day. I replaced the mitigation fan when the reading was around 20.0. This unit then showed the level go down each day (took about 2 weeks to get to safe level).
Highly recommend this considering you can spend $15.00 a pop on those radon testers you mail in. One I used said I had a safe level.