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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Verdict Is In - `House Cats Kill'

This is the result of an interesting study from the University of Georgia that found up to 30% of housecats were killers and averaged TWO kills per week. With 74 million cat pets in the USA alone, it's no surprise that one in third bird species in America is In Decline with a predator like this around. Oh, birds were only 12% of the haul and reptiles represented the most vulnerable. Find out how the research determined this data. Great read.
Speaking of great reads - did you know that plants grow FINE without Gravity? Seems other attributes drive the spread of the Root System Of Plants - it suggests that space or other planets could have a role in food production.
As the world's supply of Helium continues to vanish - a Party Pooper Academic Suggests A Balloon Ban before it is too late.
Readers of The AnomalyMan Listing know that the intelligence of animals is greatly respected around here. So, it's probably of no surprise to find out the intentional use of Smoked Cigarette Butts In Nest Construction - BUT, it's the `reason' that is the mindblower. Hey, it's not like they can go to Ace Hardware to pick up something similar.
From the OMG category - it seems that by genetic testing that it has been determined where the Europe Roma folks (Gypsies) emerged from - The lowest caste of Indian `untouchables'. Figures I guess.
Some of my Kindle Books are below - please check them out and read a sample.
The MythRepresentation Of UFOlogy 
Busting the myths about UFO's
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers 
The Shaman of the 2000's
The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization 
Original Phenomenology is still being written
The Ultimate 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
Why did the random number generators at Princeton University act `non random' on 9/11?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fooling A Baboon

The situation - you are in the middle of the desert - hunting - alone - and need to find water. Your secret - how well you know how baboons react. The outcome - you `fool' the baboon, over the course of a half day - to `show' you where the `secret water' is that the baboons know about but that humans don't. 

A classic - would you even have a 1/10th this guys survival sense? Up votes on this one over the down votes are over 80-1 - it's that good.
link -
Is a new type of matter being found in the Large-Hadron-Collider? - Brief physics edge read.
More research? Sure - how about how Grasshoppers change their mating calls if they live in Loader Urban Areas? Fun read about a couple hundred captured Grasshoppers enticed into producing songs for the scientists.
Ever wonder what a simple flame is like in outer space? Find Out Here - HINT: has to do with a flames SHAPE in the weightless environment.
How about an intellectual article on why we should ban Killer Robots NOW, seriously. Be thinking self operating drones.
And finally a look at the very edge of reality - literally - the connection, if any, of Poltergeists And UFO's - great read, great website.
Click To Read A Sample

Monday, November 19, 2012

Simple Creature - Skips Sex, Eats DNA

Welcome to The AnomalyMan Listing - the `science' blog of Rick Phillips and a continuation of his presence as the AnomalyMan (from Squidoo). Nowadays this blog updates a couple of times a month with interesting science reads and a bit of the anomalous too.
Today's headline concerns this Strange Little Creature who uses the DNA of alien species to survive being dried out (dehydrated). Good read.
Speaking of the anomalous and science - here's a link to a study of Mediums and that traced the activity in their brains while they did Spirit Writing : Is science figuring out how `spirits' come thru?
I love urban stories like this - Cat Finds 2000 Year Old Roman Catacomb - cool details of what was found too.
The AnomalyMan Listing is known for Spooky Houses and for Strange Pictures - consider this the later:
Here's some dubious research IMO - that claims that a gene can predict the Time Of Day You Will Die - are you more of an 11AM or a 6 PM type of die person?
This guy says he can prove the Bigfoot's use a language: Video has a 30-1 positive ratio of positive to negative opinion.
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Please check out my Kindle Books:
The MythRepresentation Of UFOlogy (Busting the 14% have seen a UFO Idea)

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)