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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Floating Yogis in the Fourteenth Century

One of the new great blogs is Beachcombing - here, he takes on an oldtime story told by one of the great travelers of the middle ages - - worth your TAL click. Three minute read.
A Beachcomber's Odyssey, Vol. I: Treasures from a Collected Past (Volume 1)
As you probably know, the UK released some more UFO files - here's a headline tease - British MOD Documents Reveal Non-Human Source of Some Crop Circles - - Interesting nonetheless.
More Bald Eagle Pictures From UK:
Yes, it is flying upside down.
Hattip to John.
How about a fun weekend science read?
Voyager: Still dancing 17 billion km from Earth
Here's a fun UFO story I found on Lesley's Debris Field website - Tulsa's UFO still unidentified
The 1965 image was one of the first color photographs.
More Jerusalem UFO stuff at UDCC today -
Two `still photos' - worth your click.
Today's Headlines Right Here -

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New March 2011 UFO Video(s) - Part One - 3 UFO Videos Total

As fans of the AnomalyMan know - I have recently increased my searching for `current' UFO videos available on the internet - ones that are breaking so to speak - the ones unlikely to see the light of anything the MSM considers of interest. Some videos are over the top - challenging what you may believe possible in the night time sky. Welcome to The AnomalyMan Listing.
First Up - A TV report from Russia of a `craft/orb' that seems to be showing up more and more all over the globe - what is this?

Here's a strange one - albeit a possible weather phenomena however - from a year ago:

AMAZING video of the SUN taken within the last two weeks -
Here Comes The Sun
The final UFO video of today is the best (first couple minutes) - shot from a commercial jet in Jan. 2011 - a UFO (composed of 4 orbs) seemingly traveling in sync with the Jet for minutes. Almost a must see:
Amazing UFO Fleet Filmed From Passenger Jet Window 2011

Hard Business/Economics - The MUNI Bond issue - - TAL readers are a notch above in intelligence.
Hard Headlines - Reddit -
Over at Barf Stew today - Was Financial Terrorism Involved In 2008's Crash? -
The Crash of 2008 and What it Means: The New Paradigm for Financial Markets
Oh, I've got a new post up at The Heavy Stuff that involves Lujan Matus and UFOs and Shaman -

Thanks for your visit today - great links on the sidebar too.

Lujan Matus Describes `shaman’ Potentials and UFO Phenomena


Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Power of Attention AND The Vancouver WA Orb of 3-2-11

I present the thoughts of Robin Smith --- a great thinker and strong writer - LOTS more at the link following the tease:
As we keep at it, year after year, what else could we do to increase the power of our attention? First of all, from an Intellectual Center point of view, it is crystal clear why it is so important for us to pay attention and be present -- or do I need to go over this again?
Could you go over this again, please?

Right. I can think of five reasons. Let's spell them out:

1) Fundamental Pillars. As we've seen repeatedly, attention and presence are the foundations of most spiritual practices throughout the world. All the great religions of this world advocate their practice as captured in the admonition of Christ to his disciples, "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh..., lest... he find you sleeping." (Mark 13:35-36), or that of Buddhism and its emphasis on Mindfulness.

2) Bases for Self-Observation. Attention and presence are the only means that will enable us to observe what is taking place both within and outside of us and in so doing, unearth and expose our innumerable 'I's. Gurdjieff once said in this regard: "There is no attention in people. You must aim to acquire this. Self-obsevation is only possible after acquiring attention."

3) Achieve Our Aim. They are the only means we have as we struggle to reach our ultimate goal of self-division and self-remembering on a continuous basis, and ultimately, develop a permanent I, True Will, and the ability to transform ourselves.
Give your mind with Robin's thoughts today. TAL approved.

 The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything/First)

The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff
Excellent UFO video shot this week in Washington (state) - UFO - March 2, 2011 Vancouver WA - @8,500 views

Meanwhile ........... Cactus Walking On 20 Legs Found In China - Great NPR Robert Krulwich read.
NPR Funniest Driveway Moments: Radio Stories That Won't Let You Go [With Headphones] (Playaway Adult Fiction)

And, how about some real Time-Travel - via today's Shorpy - turn back the dial to 1865 - Home Sweet Home:
(Click the above picture to enlarge) (with comments)
Oh, BS (barf stew) did another tongue-in-cheek `Time Traveler found in oldtime picture' goof again yesterday - see that here - - seems a `Hipster' has been found again, this time in a beach scene from 1915.
Hard News - -- IF you are not a Redditor, what are you waiting for?