Here's a link designed for The AnomalyMan readers like you - seems that the Neanderthal was not Backward, Awkward Or Inferior To Modern Humans - most interesting was the observation of similar hunting methods by each group. ===================================== Why Is America Shrinking? picture link And, Why Are The Dutch So Tall? ========================================================== The Original AnomalyMan Listing ====================================================== One of the most fun head turning ideas is that someone was on Earth a LONG time before humans - it's come to be known as OOPO - or, out of place objects (artifacts too) - this link has many so called Examples - It Make For An Interesting Read. ===================================== And Finally Largest Bird Was Once Twice Size Of Largest Current Wingspan imagine a bird with a 20-24 foot wingspan,.... yes, supposedly longer than what was thought possible for a bird. =================================== Tons of Great Content In The Archive Too ====================================== My Kindle Books Begin At 99 Cents and are free to borrow with Amazon Prime