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Monday, May 27, 2013

A Pathetic `Debunking' Of Orbs

Most who read TAL know that the MSM is very threatened by the handful of folks that actually seem to possesses the power to `call UFO's' (or Orbs which is what is called - one never sees crafts or such). Here we have a `Committee for Skeptical Inquiry' PROVING that ------ evidently ---- ALL ORBS ARE BALLOONS. Yes, that would include nighttime Orbs and such I assume. 

Seriously, these jokers take three white balloons and then act as if they look like daytime Orbs.................. Really?............. To me, they look like fluttering BALLOONS in the sky........... and nothing like the few daytime Orbs that folks do catch via video...... This video came out in 2010 and has about 6,500 views.
And, it must be said that our Chemtrail laced skies are indeed producing more and more sky anomalies - like this `Vortex' (not my description, found in Reddit's UFO's or Paranormal):

Green Vortex Link
One of the VERY underplayed pieces of information about the `science' of the `human tree' is just how far back Primates go -- indeed - how far back APES go --- seldom is it mentioned that APELIKE creatures were around 23-34 Million Years Ago - Apes That Looked Like The Below Picture:
Artist’s impression of the newly discovered Rukwapithecus, front, and Nsungwepithecus, right (Mauricio Anton)
A Human Face 25 Million Years Ago
The AnomalyMan Listing - Great Stuff - That is sometimes, scary!

More Scary Stuff?
e-cover photo by Curt Chaplin of People's Court
one of my many E-Books above

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Linguists Identify 15,000-year-old ‘Ultraconserved Words’

What a cool science link. This research purports to have identified about two dozen words that haven't changed in sound in over 10K years (despite science that says languages can't last that long). The Washington Post link is excepted below:

You, hear me! Give this fire to that old man. Pull the black worm off the bark and give it to the mother. And no spitting in the ashes!
It’s an odd little speech. But if you went back 15,000 years and spoke these words to hunter-gatherers in Asia in any one of hundreds of modern languages, there is a chance they would understand at least some of what you were saying.
That’s because all of the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in the four sentences are words that have descended largely unchanged from a language that died out as the glaciers retreated at the end of the last Ice Age. Those few words mean the same thing, and sound almost the same, as they did then.
One more? How about a renegade study that casts doubt on the assumption that Humans Wiped Out The Megafauna?
New study finds no evidence for theory humans wiped out megafauna
Using `science' to reach ONLY the 10-12 year olds you wish to reach with street advertising - see why this target market is needed to be reached in such a manner. (Hint, adults see a different message due to how tall they are.)

The AnomalyMan Listing loves to talk about how plants communicate --  so, guess what - in addition to communicating by air via chemicals they also do it Underground With Fungus - really cool. 
Science is discovering - does The Protein GDF11 Reverse Heart Disease? .... seems to in mice!
on amazon

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Video Of Bigfoot In Georgia? Or Bighoax In Georgia?


About 7,000 folks have seen this video in the past week since its been posted and largely dissed. Indeed, you can find Dozens dissing the video at this link. 

I will say, the `story' as to why the person videoing the Bigfoot suddenly lowers the video when the creature is the closest is classic - you see, it was a small girl. Yeah, right.

Probably could have been posted at The BS.
How about something not fake and just as interesting. I've been featuring this athlete on The BS the last two postings doing the impossible in a similar routine with a ball. Not one person has ever dissed this one.

I've written 12 Kindle Books on Amazon - The One Below Is The Only One To Win Me An Award
Beyond The Great Beyond