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Friday, August 23, 2013

Visualizing PI

The Infinite Viewpoint
Data is Beautiful is a new Sub-Reddit that I'm following - expect more!
The TAL Science Edge
Ready to feel some guilt? Seems that a few experiments on Lobsters and Crabs have perhaps proven that they Experience Pain.... (gasp).... or, at least they will avoid it if given a chance. Seems this might be a BIG deal to some animal rights folks. Should the crab be `protected' like the mouse?
Seems babies can mind read? Yep, they did an experiment involving scissors and children in three areas of the world and were able to determine that Babies Have A Universal Talent much earlier than thought (in understanding situations). And, that previous studies that showed differences by region of the world may have been caused by the types of questions parents ask their babies.
Last One For Today's AnomalyMan
Mother Beatles Eat The Young That BEG Too Much wait until you read the details of how they did this research.
Lon Strickler Picked From Among His 1000's Of Anomalous Stories And Put Them Into The E-Book Below:

Customer Reviews

I bought Lon's book because I am a fan of his blog. R. Wertz  |  13 reviewers made a similar statement
This is a great read for anyone interested in this topic. Summer  |  9 reviewers made a similar statement
Lon does an excellent job of keeping track of and reporting encounters. Hannah  |  5 reviewers made a similar statement

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When Choirs Sing, Many Hearts Sync Up!

Ready for a touch of the mystical surrounding singing together in harmony? of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir raise their voices in unison — and perhaps unify their heart rates, too.

Breathing In Unison May Also Be A Factor Great read. Find out how they proved this data.
Here's a story that isn't surprising to many who consider the great sea entities as having lots of awareness. Seems that they've proved by careful tracking that Dolphins Recognize Each Other Even After 20 Years Of Separation - interesting short read.
The important breakthroughs in medicine seem ever nearer such as this news that they can Lab Grow Heart Tissue From Skin Cells That Beats - I don't think even science fiction writers 50 years ago were thinking of this stuff.
My Latest Book

J.S. Flower Says:
"This cat will spin your synapses into the unknown quicker than any known buffer reality we identify with. Who really has the gumption to go way deep into the Heavy Stuff? Its much easier to sit on the shores of the cultural construct and think that gathering zero's is important. But take the plunge if you dare, and open your mind to this outrageous search of anomalous phenomena."

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Baboons Acting Spooked - 4th Time Since 1994

Do our close relatives know or sense something we superiors don't? Interesting read.... seems things are returning to `normal' inside the baboon cage. Spooked Baboons.
Emmen Zoo baboons in trees
Data Is Beautiful
stalking the science side of the news

Florida - Most `Free Gay Porn' State
Alabama - Most `God' State
Vermont - Least `God' State
Minnesota - Least `Free Gay Porn' State
Mississippi - Most `Free Gay Porn' `Republican' State
Rhode Island - Most `Free Gay Porn' `Democrat' State
Alaska - Least `Free Gay Porn' `Republican' State
Minnesota - Least `Free Gay Porn' `Democrat' State
Pennsylvania - Most `God' Democrat State
Idaho/Virgina - Least `God' Republican State(s) virtual tie
Shaman, hiking into the desert in search of Peyote, cautions from the authorities -- it's all in this interestingly written Mind Bending Story that lacks nearly ANY positives about the experience. Some cool comments below story.
The AnomalyMan Listing
Harvard Connects Man And Rat Brain Into One.... and other advancements.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Frozen Lake Two Miles Deep - Teeming With Life

As in DNA from over 3,500 organisms..... oh my... cool science read with cool details like:
Among the bacteria found in the samples brought to the surface were those commonly found in the digestive systems of fish, crustaceans and annelid worms, raising the prospect there could be more complex life still living in the lake.
LIFE - Two Miles Deep
Sometimes it's the short lived blogs that have great densities of great content - especially ones with names like Haunted Truth (dot) Com - videos and more.
Seems that the scientists are scratching their heads about another HUGE energy event(s) with few logical sources known to mankind -- Mysterious Short Radio Bursts - 3 minute read.
A TAL `Trippy Image'
And it turns out that all of our collective imaginations about the T.Rex --- Were Right! It WAS a predator - for sure - now that the proof of a T.REX tooth embedded in the tailbone of another creature has been discovered.
And, speaking of OMG horrifying -- this Qualifies - expect to be SHOCKED.
At Squidoo.Com - I'm KNOWN as the AnomalyMan - see 
That Archive OF GREAT LINKS  with a simple click
And Finally
End Of Time Movies - The AnomalyMan's Listing - Page TWO

Sunday, July 14, 2013

STRANGE Suicides

One of the great websites on the internet is Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog.... and this offering ... about `unusual' suicides is no exception to the quality of the material this guy finds. Strange Suicides ..... like being the first person to blow themselves up with dynamite,...... like using dampened playing cards to do the same.... and so on. A must read. Many Many more cases brought to the gig via the comments too. You will bookmark this one.
Find out how long and high the helicopter needed to stay aloft.
Simply Cool
Like The AnomalyMan Listing 140-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion
Here's some good news to spread around the supper table
One of the favorite TAL topics are the Neanderthals - in this scholarly paper - the speculation is that they had Language And Speech Like Us.
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