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Friday, April 27, 2012

About Those Neanderthal Eagle Talon Ornaments

Hello TAL readers and fans - thanks for your support of my `science and fun' blog The AnomalyMan Listing. Today, once again, we go into the minds of early man - exploring his very ideas and thoughts perhaps. Here's a tease from this short, fine article:
The authors rightly emphasize that the discovery of several eagle talons bearing cut marks from La Ferrassie and Les Fieux articulates quite well with the evidence from Fumane that Neanderthals purposefully harvested visually striking feathers from a variety of bird species, especially raptors.
This summary asks questions and directs you to the Original Research Findings should you seek more.
Speaking of the Stone Age - deep in the Russian Forests they have found some Stone Age Cartoons In/On The Rocks. Great read.
And, finally for today's TAL update - (dig into the archive for more great quality posts and links) - we go into the basics of what an observable universe should have; the result When the multiverse and many-worlds collide - A New Scientist.Com Link.
Oh, one more - a science look at Alien Implants. And, an example of the phenomena In 2012 - Includes X Ray.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chimps Teach Young To Communicate With Humans

Captive chimps that is. This is a study of over 150 chimps held captive in Texas - Chimps Teach Young Concerning Humans.
The details get a bit iffy to me as far as any so-called proof of anything other than common sense. Interesting short read, worthy of TAL's science bent.
Here's some more interesting stuff from the edge - Jupiter's Interior is Melting and it has implications (for human understanding) into the universe.
One of the features of TAL is `Trippy Art' -- say no more - Done While High?
ONE MORE? You lush. Okay how about the deepest `secrets' of the universe Revealed.
Finally, want to see the best of what 2012 has offered so far in regards to UFOs? - I've got you covered - 2012 UFO Videos And UFO Pictures.
Thanks for your visit today - In the archive are other GREAT links just like you see above, go on, have some fun.
Here's what comes up in Amazon for `Trippy Art'

Click for more info.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Did The First Human Lineage To The Sea - Eventually Perish?

Here's some interesting research via DNA analysis and such - along with the typical bone and artifact finds - which makes for a great read on TAL. And, how does the Toba Volcanic Eruption of 74K years ago figure into it?
Ever wonder how far along NASA is to finding the asteroids that could destroy Earth or portions of it? Well about 35% of the way! And some of the ones yet to be found are up to 3,300 feet across. Yikes.
How about some time travel to 1909? A time when sending one's daughter into the streets to sell to strangers to help the family and themselves was considered normal. The info with this picture suggests that the smallest one in the photo has been selling papers for over 2 years already. (full size) (with comments)
You'll find classy links like these in the archive - dig into it for more.
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to feed a pregnant Neanderthal

As TAL readers know, old `caveman' stuff is VERY popular in these pages - especially cutting edge research into them. So, today consider this post about the pregnant needs of women in that era and what they would need to eat based on the diets assumed about the Neanderthal. Indeed, Would the assumptions of the amount of meat that was eaten KILL the fetus? Real good science read.
UDCC the UFO blog has a good post today about the Soft UFO disclosure that the USA did last fall - Suppression Thru Disclosure?
At TAL we do the Classy `Time Travel' Shorpy's - like this view inside the hall of the library of congress in 1908.
Exceptional Enlargement Is A Must See
More oldtime Shorpy's? Time Travel Pictures
Dig into the archive for some great content.

Monday, February 6, 2012

`Kung Fu' Piano Playing

The attempt to play the piano the very fastest possible Up To 19 Notes Per Second produces a unique sound - says the few that can create such a speed. At the link, the video will let you hear it for yourself. TAL entertains.

Readers of TAL are BIG fans of the stuff on the cutting edge of science - and this article is a great read. Scientists drag light by slowing it to speed of sound - To the point of distorting the image of reality. Just the image mind you.
And, finally for today - this guy says he uses three patented ideas, to produce FREE Electricity out of a 100 dollar machine, that you can build with his plans.